Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Civil Rights Movement Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And...

It was the was the beginning of a new decade, Americans believed the 1960’s were going to be the dawn of the golden age. Many historical feats are occurring, John Steinbeck wins a noble peace prize, Nixon and Kennedy have the first televised debate, Mohamed Ali wins a gold medal and the Civil Rights Movement is at the precipice in America. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Governor George C. Wallace are two prominent figures throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Individually, they deliver historical speeches concerning civil rights, however the dialogue encompasses completely different messages. Comparatively, the two speeches will be presented side by side using Aristotle’s, Kairos, Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. The year was 1963, as the chaos†¦show more content†¦Likewise, Dr. King stood in a place of great significance. Here, in front of the statue of President Lincoln, is where he will present his infamous â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech and it is evident of the great significance it represents. It was in 1863 that President Lincoln fought to abolish slavery and by coincidence, one hundred years later, Dr. King will be addressing more than 200,000 demonstrators fighting the same fight. On this day Dr. King will articulately responds to Governor Wallace’s speech that had taken place seven months prior. As the prominent Dr. King put it, â€Å"Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children† (archives.gov). In other words, Dr. King is stating, that equality and fair justice should not be based on, ethnicity, color, or status, but in essence we are all created equal and ought to live harmoniously. Throughout these two speeches, Dr. King and Governor Wallace, both use strong evidence to strengthen their credibility and appeal to Ethos. Comparatively, both men are well educated, from the South and are well respected within their community. Governor Wallace was born a farmer’s son in the year 1919. Though he received a law degree from the University of Alabama, he joined the military and was involved in a combat mission over Japan. Upon returning, he became an Assistant States Attorney, and later a judge of the Third Judicial Circuit of Alabama. WallaceShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1199 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Southern states, Governor George C. Wallace and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, are at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement. In the beginning of the year, Governor Wallace will be addressing his constituents with his well-known, â€Å"Segregation Now, Segregation Forever† speech. Nevertheless, it will be seven months later, that Dr. King will convey his message in his famous, â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. Individually, they deliver historical speeches concerning civil rights, however, the dialogueRead MoreAnalysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1419 Words   |  6 Pageste levised debate, Mohamed Ali wins a gold medal and the Civil Rights Movement at its climax in America. As the chaos of segregation was unfolding in the Southern states, Governor George C. Wallace and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, were at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement. In the beginning of the year, Governor Wallace will address his constituents with his, â€Å"Segregation Now, Segregation Forever† speech and seven months later, Dr. King will deliver his famous, â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. The twoRead More Vietnam: The Mixture of Protests and Politics1659 Words   |  7 Pagesfought. Many Americans on the home front protested their government’s involvement in the war. Many young Americans felt that there was no reason to fight for a cause they did not believe in, especially in such a strange foreign country. The civil rights movement also strongly influenced many of the war protests. This was because such a large percentage of minority soldiers sent o ver to fight were being unfairly treated. The African American soldiers were being ordered to the frontlines more often thanRead MoreAfrican Americans from 18652319 Words   |  10 Pagesexisting before the war. The Union army could offer only limited protection to the ex-slaves, and Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, clearly had no interest in ensuring the freedom of southern blacks. The new president’s appointments as governors of southern states formed conservative, proslavery governments. The new state legislatures passed laws designed to keep blacks in poverty and in positions of servitude. Under these so-called black codes, ex-slaves who had no steady employment couldRead MoreWhat Would You Do?2272 Words   |  10 Pagesgovernment intervention to resolve racial inequality, racism, as a mentality, continues to exist in many segments of American society and preventing complete integration. After the height of the civil rights movement, many Americans assumed that integration was successful. Due to the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, the government took legal action in an effort to eradicate segregation in educational institutions, housing, and economic differences amongst black and white Americans. According toRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesCredits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any formRea d MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesUniversity PROJECT MANAGEMENT: THE MANAGERIAL PROCESS Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright  © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What to Do About College Drinking

College is typically viewed as the pathway to gaining the skills and knowledge needed to embark on a successful career. However, it can also be a pathway to the casual acceptance of dangerous levels of alcohol consumption. Drinking is as much of the college experience as studying, sleep deprivation, and junk food. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, roughly 58% of college students admit to drinking alcohol, while 12.5% engage in heavy alcohol use, and 37.9% report binge drinking episodes. Terminology An alcoholic drink typically has 14 grams of pure alcohol, as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Examples include 12 ounces of beer containing 5% alcohol, 5 ounces of beer containing 12% alcohol, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits containing 40% alcohol. Binge drinking is typically defined as men students consuming five drinks in the course of 2 hours, or women students consuming four drinks in the same time frame. The Problem While college drinking is often viewed as a fun and harmless activity, alcohol consumption among college students is associated with a variety of issues. According to the NIH: Over 1,800 college students die each year from alcohol-related incidents, such as vehicles crashes.Almost 700,000 college students are assaulted each year by someone who has been drinking.Roughly 79,000 college students report being raped or sexually assaulted (when either one or both parties have been drinking). At least 20% of college students develop an Alcohol Use Disorder, which means that alcohol consumption is impulsive and uncontrollable. These students actually crave alcohol, need to increase consumption levels to obtain the desired results, experience withdrawal symptoms, and prefer drinking to spending time with friends or engaged in other activities A full quarter (25%) of students admit that alcoholic consumption causes problems in the classroom, including such behaviors as skipping classes, failing to complete homework assignments, and performing poorly on tests. Too much alcohol can also result in fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, a weakened immune system, and various types of cancers. Prevention Strategies While the natural response is to simply discourage college students from drinking, Peter Canavan, a public safety officer at Wilkes University, and the author of The Ultimate Guide to College Safety: How To Protect Yourself From Online and Offline Threats to Your Personal Safety At College Around Campus, tells ThoughtCo that providing fact-based information on the dangers of drinking to excess is a better approach. â€Å"Education should be the first step to a successful strategy designed to eliminate or limit drinking,† Canavan says. â€Å"Responsible drinking and knowing when you have had too much to drink are important factors to staying safe.† Besides the laundry list of negative effects listed above in this article, Canavan says it’s possible for students to become victims of alcohol poisoning the very first time they drink. Aside from heart-rate and breathing changes, quickly consuming a large amount of alcohol could lead to a comatose state or even death. â€Å"Any time an individual consumes alcohol for the first time, the effects are unknown, but alcohol does cause memory and learning issues, forgetfulness, and bad judgment.† In addition, Canavan says alcohol dulls the senses, which can be catastrophic in an emergency situation.   Canavan provides the following tips to help students stay safe: Regulate your alcohol consumption to reduce the chances of experiencing dangerous outcomes; know your limit.Never leave your drink unattended; it may be compromised with a date rape drug while it is out of your sight.College is a huge investment in your future; dont jeopardize it by making poor decisions as a result of drinking. A drunk driving accident can harm or kill you or your passengers, so dont drink and drive. If you are convicted of a DUI, you may lose your license and be unable to get to college or work. Long-term, a DUI on your driving record could prevent you from getting a good job after graduation since many employers look at that when reviewing job applications. Colleges and communities can also play a role in preventing underage and excessive alcohol consumption by educating students. Additional strategies include reducing access to alcohol through such ways as checking a student’s identification, ensuring that inebriated students aren’t served additional drinks, and limiting the number of places that sell alcoholic drinks.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

God’s Creative Authority in Genesis and Job Essay

God’s role in the Bible is characterized in several different ways, with dramatically competing attributes. He takes on many functions and, as literary characters are, he is dynamic and changes over time. The portrayal of God is unique in separate books throughout the Bible. This flexibility of role and character is exemplified by the discrepancy in the depiction of God in the book of Genesis in comparison to the depiction of God in the book of Job. On the larger scale, God creates with intention in Genesis in contrast to destroying without reason in Job. However, as the scale gets smaller, God’s creative authority can be seen in both books, yet this creative authority is manifested in entirely distinctive manners. In Genesis, God as†¦show more content†¦He distinguishes his inventions with minute details and yet, simultaneously, the entire creation is pure and simple. There is no elaboration; his ideas just come into being. Once each individual creation has co me to be, God sees that is it good. Additionally, God is reasonable. There is a logical reason and a unique place for everything: â€Å"God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome† (Genesis 1:7). In addition to the content of God’s will and creations, the repetition and standardization of the verses in Genesis 1 reflect his steadiness as a creator. In stark contrast to God’s presence in Genesis, the character of God in Job strays from the ideal perfection of the divine. The concept of the ideal manifested in Genesis is embodied in God’s moral, reasonable, and rational behavior. In Job, on the other hand, rather than being reasonable, methodical, and creating life, God displays more human characteristics and plays the role of both creator and destroyer. The book of Job begins with God’s boastful bargain with Satan, which subsequently leads God to allow the total destruction of Job†™s family and livelihood. Job is even attacked physically with â€Å"loathsome sores†¦ from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head† (Job 2:7). In an uncharacteristically immoral decision, God gives Satan the power doShow MoreRelatedBiblical Worldview Essay1698 Words   |  7 Pagesprovidence. According to the textbook, â€Å"the doctrine of God’s providence is related to the doctrine of creation†¦Millard Erickson compares creation and providence by calling creation â€Å"God’s originating work† and providence â€Å"God’s continuing work†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the word providence means, literally, â€Å"to see at a distance,† and can carry the connotation of â€Å"to look after† (Akin 2014, 229). â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† (Genesis 1:1). This is God’s originating work that Erickson points out. God didRead MoreThe Biblical Teaching Of Theodicy1345 Words   |  6 Pagesteachin gs of theodicy, we need to ask ourselves a series of vital questions in what scripture has to say on the topic: God and His connection to creation; the nature of humanity; God’s connection to sin; Man’s connection to sin; and the final outcome and defeat of sin. These considerations we need to ask are key to defining God’s power, goodness and the presence of sin. A. God and His connection to creation The presence of His creation is evidence of His existence. The Bible teaches that God is transcendentRead MoreWisdom Tradition And The Old Testament Essay2163 Words   |  9 PagesWisdom Tradition is a term applied to the Old Testament books of Proverbs, Job, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. Wisdom Tradition books all share characteristics and points of view that are somewhat different than other biblical books. 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In his early twenties, he began studying theology at a seminary in Australia. When he graduated, Mack decided to come back to the states and make peace with his family. He then moved to Oregon where he met and married Nannette A.Read MoreThe Vocation of the Business Leader: A Reflection15551 Words   |  63 Pagesamong the various stakeholders. In these difï ¬ cult time s for the world economy, during which many business men and women suffered the consequences of crises that deeply reduced the income of their enterprises, risked their survival, and threatened many jobs, the Church does not relinquish the hope that Christian business leaders will, despite the present darkness, restore trust, inspire hope, and keep burning the light of faith that fuels their daily pursuit of the good. Indeed, it is worth recallingRead MoreHistory of Work Ethic8363 Words   |  34 PagesHome Page Historical Context of the Work Ethic Roger B. Hill, Ph.D.  © 1992, 1996 From a historical perspective, the cultural norm placing a positive moral value on doing a good job because work has intrinsic value for its own sake was a relatively recent development (Lipset, 1990). Work, for much of the ancient history of the human race, has been hard and degrading. Working hard--in the absence of compulsion--was not the norm for Hebrew, classical, or medieval cultures (Rose, 1985). It

Fraud Triangle Not Good Enough - 3956 Words

Playing Offense in a High-risk Environment Audit | Tax | Advisory | Risk | Performance The Unique Alternative to the Big Four  ® Playing Offense in a High-risk Environment â€Å"Today’s fraudster is clever and operates in an environment ripe for criminal activity. Economic unrest is making it easier for employees to find ways to set fraud in motion – and a new breed of offenders is finding cunning ways to do so. After more than 60 years, the classic fraud triangle of three elements or events that motivate an employee to cross the line has morphed â„ ¢ into Crowe’s Fraud Pentagon. Company boards and senior management must take an offensive stance against the five conditions that precipitate fraud with a clear plan that limits the†¦show more content†¦Famed criminologist Donald R. Cressey first identified three elements – opportunity (including general knowledge and technical skill), pressure, and rationalization – as the â€Å"fraud triangle† in the 1950s to explain why people commit fraud.3 Cressey’s classic fraud triangle helps to explain many but not all situations. Fraud is more likely to occur when someone has an incentive (pressure) to commit fraud, weak controls provide the opportunity for a person to do so, and the person is able to rationalize the fraudulent behavior. e nc ga ro Ar ation naliz o Rati Co mp ete nc e Crowe’s Fraud Pentagon TM O ppo rtun ity Pressure 4 Playing Offense in a High-risk Environment fraud occurs. Competence expands on Cressey’s element of opportunity to include an individual’s ability to override internal controls and to socially control the situation to his or her advantage. Arrogance or lack of conscience is an attitude of superiority and entitlement or greed on the part of a person who believes that corporate policies and procedures simply do not personally apply. This person, perhaps fueled by today’s obscene compensation structures, has complete disregard for the consequences bestowed upon his or her victims. Competence and arrogance play a major role in determining whether an employee today has what it takes to perpetrate a fraud. Unchecked, the five elements –Show MoreRelatedHow to Incorporate the Fraud Triangle Theory797 Words   |  4 PagesThe term of â€Å"fraud triangle† was developed by Dr. Donald Cressey, a criminologist who studied embezzlers. The three basic elements of fraud triangle include perceived pressure , perceived opportunity, and the ability to rationalize. It explains the nature of many fraud offenders and also become a tool to assess the risk of fraud. It is important to companies to incorporate the fraud triangle theory in order to reduce the risk of fraud within their organization. From my standpoint, companies shouldRead MoreThe Fraud Triangle Consists Of Three Different Parts1497 Words   |  6 PagesIn life, there are many times someone sees an opportunity that can better a situation in their life. Whether morally right or wrong some still take the action to better their life even if it can potentially be considered fraud. People tend to find ways to look past their morals. These situations can be something so small as not splitting the tips at your job evenly, fixing an old gambling debt, even cheating on your taxes. Some even take it as far as creating a fake business to receive money fromRead MoreVarious Types Of Occupational Fraud962 Words   |  4 PagesTypes of Fra ud The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners displays what is known as the Fraud Tree. It is a representation of the three major types of occupational fraud (www.acfe.com). Occupational fraud is any scheme that involves employees taking cash, resources, or misapplies assets of the business for their personal gain (www.smartceo.com). Type I: Corruption Corruption is an intentional, dishonest act where an employee abuses their position in the company for personal gain (www.curtinRead MoreA Ponzi Scheme By Bernard L. Madoff Essay1704 Words   |  7 Pagesintroduce some of the victim’s and examines some reasons why someone might fall victim to a Ponzi scheme. The paper describes the three elements making up the fraud triangle and how they relate to the fraud and the fraudster. This paper covers Bernard Madoff’s background and history and how he committed the fraud analyzing the fraud triangle. The paper describes ways to correct the issue, accounting principles violated, and recommendations for a fix. Finally, the paper looks at internal and externalRead MoreInternal Control and Sunshine Center1322 Words   |  6 Pagesalso not a good control of monitoring. I would recommend them to use operating budgets and cash budgets. They can also use accounting records, these provide the details of business transactions. All major groups of transactions should be supported by either hard copy documents or electronic records. No transaction should be processed without management’s general or specific approval. They can keep important documents in fireproof vaults. 8. Identify the elements of the fraud triangle. WhichRead MoreInternal Control and Sunshine Center1330 Words   |  6 Pagesnot a good control of monitoring. I would recommend them to use operating budgets and cash budgets. They can also use accounting records, these provide the details of business transactions. All major groups of transactions should be supported by either hard copy documents or electronic records. No transaction should be processed without management’s general or specific approval. They can keep important documents in fireproof vaults. 8. Identify the elements of the fraud triangle. WhichRead MoreMidwest Orient Import Export Corporation806 Words   |  4 PagesImport Export Corporation Fraud Examination – ACT 565 Yuslizar Fanny (2600997) Today, in current business-world, fraud becomes a daily occurrence and it is a serious threat for all organizations, whether they are partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies or even non-profit companies. Once perpetrators start to commit fraud, they will not stop by themselves, they will continue and commit more with the bigger number as they realize how easy it is. Therefore, fraud prevention program is veryRead MoreFraud : A Broad Spectrum Of Individuals At Any Time1238 Words   |  5 PagesFraud can affect a broad spectrum of individuals at any time. Companies and consumers are losing billions of dollars every year. The effects of such deceptions can way heavily on companies and consumers. Fraud can be committed in many different ways. It can range from employee embezzlement to email scams. With increasing frequency, fraud continues to occur. No matter what the news reports, without proper controls; fraud will still occur. Proper controls and training need to be p ut in place at companiesRead MoreLIVENT, INC.: An Instructional Case4338 Words   |  18 Pagesï » ¿ MAA350 ETHICS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Trimester 2, 2013 ASSIGNMENT: LIVENT, INC.: An Instructional Case PART A Question A1 Outline the frauds identified in the case and explain the inconsistencies with proper accounting treatment. Relate your answer to broad accounting concepts and accounting standards where relevant. (8 marks; approximately 800 words) Answer: Livent Inc. is a theatre production corporation registered in TorontoRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Accounting Profession2258 Words   |  10 Pagescommit fraudulent accounting practices. There are a variety of factors involved in the likelihood of fraud, but certain circumstances seem to be better predictors of the possibility of fraudulent reporting. In this paper, we will examine one of the largest hallmark scandals in history. Using this example as the backdrop, we will then discuss the circumstances in which the risk of accounting fraud is highest. We will also touch on the systematic aspect of how they can occur. This will lead into

A Cry Of A Suitor Essay Sample free essay sample

Oh. ye Gods. hear my call before I go down in the dust. for though I am guilty. I would non take all of my wrongs against the house of Laertes with me down to Hades. I was a suer in Ithaca. one who for old ages has abused the cordial reception of Penelope. married woman to great Odysseus. We thought him dead who had non come place for 10s old ages since great Troy fell. When Penelope relented. conveying out Odysseus’ bow and the 12 axes. I hoped I might perchance prevail. or at least to delight at the nuptials. Oh. I did non anticipate the blood now spilt around me. Telemachus. so oft a butt of our maltreatment. could non threading the bow. or at least did non. Leodes failed. and right he was to state that many would decease by that bow. Antinous. loudest in our figure. could non flex it. We will write a custom essay sample on A Cry Of A Suitor Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Eurymachus failed when his bend came. and I. and all the others. Antinous said the trial should wait. boulder clay we could give to Apollo for the bowman god’s strength. Then the mendicant spoke. the wretch at the pes of the tabular array. whom we had hardly tolerated in our thick. How we laughed at his petition. Old and decrepit as he looked. it seemed a all right joke. I raised my cup in toast to the bunk. And heard the clank of the pointer on the far stairss. Then Antinous fell. an pointer through his pharynx. and as we reeled. we saw the mendicant revealed. Great Odysseus. Oh. Gods. I knew so that our wrongs were brought back upon us. Eurymachus tried to talk soft words. but naught would comfort him. Telemachus stepped beside him. armed. and his pointers flew. Apollo does non establish shafts more lifelessly. Our extravagance. piquing wholly as we wasted his wealth. now came place as one by one we fell. Melanthius found arms in the storage room. to no help. Surely Athena sided with the crafty male monarch to strike us down. An pointer Pierces my side. I watch as Leodes. priest among the rakes. dies at Odysseus’ manus. But better to decease speedy than like at bay Melanthius. or the adult females who helped us. Death and shame are theirs. Better that this shaft drains my life blood than to confront what waits them. I am justly slain. oh Gods. a invitee who abused the cordial reception of his host. a shame to the Achaeans. But know that I feel my shame as I go down. Oh Gods. hear me as I die. Beginning: Lattimore. Richmond A. ( 1967 ) .The Odyssey of Homer. New York. New York: Harper A ; Row.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What is My Biggest Fear Essay Example For Students

What is My Biggest Fear? Essay Fear is an interesting matter of discussion. Everyone experiences fear, but each person experiences it differently. To consider all fears the same is the same as not recognizing the differences in separate species of insects. They may be similar, but each one is at least a little bit different. Fear operates in the same manner; two people may both be arachnophobic, but one may fear the dark while the other fears heights. People may have different combinations of fears, and the fears may be in a different order of how much the person fears them. For me, the fear of not being in control is atop the hierarchy of fears. That may seem like I am a control freak, and perhaps I am, but I mean it in a different manner. I do not have to necessarily be completely in control of the entire environment surrounding me, but I do need to be in control of myself, along with anything that I am put in charge of. I understand that until I graduate high school, my teachers and parents technically are in charge of me. However, I still control what I do, though depending on what I do, I may have to deal with repercussions. It is for this reason I do not respond well to being told what to do. If an order is phrased like a question so that I can at least pretend I have a choice in the matter, I will perform the task, if somewhat begrudgingly. When given an order, I may do the exact opposite, just to prove that I am still in control of myself. Being afraid of losing control has other consequences, besides being seen as a brat. When a situation gets out of my control, I worry about the outcome. Though I know it is beyond the point of me being able to change the outcome, the outcome often possesses me, not letting me do anything about stuff that I can still change. In freshman year, I had auditioned for the winter play. My nerves were fine before and during the audition, but as soon as I exited the auditorium, I nearly broke down, because regardless of how I had done in the audition, there was nothing more I could do to influence the outcome. That entire weekend, the only thought in my brain was how I may have completely bombed my audition, but it was no longer in my control, and that terrified me. In color guard, I have difficulties with the tosses because letting go of the flag means surrendering control of it. Letting go means that the pole could hit me or someone else, which would either result in being hurt or having a guilty conscience. This is actually a really good metaphor for the fear as a whole. When I let the fear control me, no pun intended, I do not perform well and I am thrown off for a bit following the incident. In guard, if I do not let go of the toss, I end up behind the other people. However, when I finally decide to just let it go, my toss normally ends up fairly decent. To overcome my fear, I need to just let it go and hope for the best. Not letting my fear consume me is the only way for me to move on with life.